Mom's That Rock Submissions
Linda Ulrey
I wanted to send this in because my mom really rocks. She rocks because no matter if I have a question about life, the bible, or just want to talk for a while she’s there for me. She rocks because she always wants to help people and be active in the church, and that’s what made me want to start being active in the church too. She rocks because whenever any of her kids or grandkinds are in need she will be there for us. Shes there in the good times and the bad times too. Shes a good friend a great mother and a fantastic spiritual leader. Without her I wouldn’t be where I’m at in life both in my job and spiritually. She’s a big inspiration for me so that’s why my mom “Linda Ulrey” ROCKS!
Susan Meyer
My mother has been a rock and a rockstar throughout the entirety of my lifetime. She is an incredibly kind and generous human with a fantastic ability of self-reflection. She has always been there for me through every trial or tribulation that I’ve encountered with a kind word or simply a supportive hug. I want her to know how much our relationship has meant to me, even if it isn’t always conveyed. -Shauna Meyer
Vicky Betz
My mom is the best! She helps with everything and she is kind and really helpful!! I know we can be a challenge but even tho we sometimes are I know she still loves us! I have 2 siblings Vanessa and Hendrix and together I know we annoy her but know matter what she loves us! I think she is the best because of all those reasons and more! I don’t show my love to her or my great fullness I love her and I’m very grateful for her! My mom is the best and I could not be more happy that she’s my mom! My mom is incredibly intelligent and she’s involved in a lot with our schools and the church, she helps so much with all of that!!!
Nichole Triplett
What makes my mom great is hard to summarize. She is the strongest, kindest, and most loving person I have ever known. She has taken on many burdens that would break anyone else and stays positive and happy. Her faith is inspiring to me and her prayers for me to find God played a major part in me finding God. We were baptized together in January. She is always there to support anyone at a moments notice. She doesnt just do this for her friends and family, she works so hard as a hospice nurse to comfort her patients and families at the end of life. She is also the best grandma a kid could ever want. She goes out of her way to make sure she spends quality time with them all of the time.
Jennifer Mechling
As I sit here to write this, I recognize that we have been coming to Guide Church for a handful of years now and, so, have had ample opportunity to nominate this very special woman for this great honor. The biggest reason I haven’t is because I know just how much she dislikes attention and hates being the spotlight. Believe me, she constantly reminds me of this. However, I don’t think that’s a good enough reason. I’m hoping it’s gone on long enough now and that I’ve successfully lured her into this false sense of security that I would wisely never nominate her. However, the truth is, I absolutely adore this woman and know just how much she means to me and our family, and so I cannot sit back and pass up this chance yet again. She may believe there’s little outstanding about her and thus what she does for us. I couldn’t disagree more, and I think many would agree. She may say that she’s just a wife and mother, but she’s so much more. Literally, just this past Sunday, Pastor Ben, trying to wrap up the book of Numbers and fearfully stating we’d be talking about women, reminds everyone just how remarkable wives and mothers are. His words, not mine, being “just” a wife and mother, are some of the hardest jobs that exist and are two of the most valuable. The Bible and God outline this as women holding the essential role of helper. That’s not derogatory in the slightest because, believe me, I need a lot of help. I do not wish to think about how we’d survive. I know and witness what she does for us every single day. I personally owe a lot to her for putting up with me. The kids are truly incredible, don’t get me wrong, but they’re still kids. I honestly don’t know how I’d manage it all without her. I may be biased, but I cannot think of anyone more worthy of the title being a mom who rocks. God, as always, knew what he was doing when he brought Jennifer into my life. Naomi, Micah, and I cherish her and I thank God for her every day. Oh, yeah, remember when I said that she hates this kind of thing? Yeah, well, please pray for me that I’m still around to see next Mother’s Day.
Michelle Morris
She helped me through my ups and downs, she got my back whenever I needed her, when me and my siblings have cuts and scraps or needs some kind of shots she turns into a doctor and patches it up at home instead at her work! She would try her best to go to my volleyball games and basketball games. My mom started scuba diving at the age 50, she goes abt once a year now she’s 67 now and still young so about 20 trips and in total about 200 dives! And when she gets to BE 100 she wants to go ski diving she says. She is the best mom in the who entire world, I love you mom! Happy Mother Day.
Hanan Primm
“Mom, you’re the most caring, loving person I know. Your endless support and unconditional love mean everything to me. Thank you for always being there, through good times and bad. I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”
Brandi Brinson
I am very excited I get the opportunity to brag on this very special mom who ROCKS. I could use this letter to talk about all the tasks a mother completes on a daily basis but I’m not going to do that today. I would rather use this as a chance to reveal the Super power she has to the world.
I often wondered how she was able to do all the amazing selfless acts she is able to do.
Like how she has the strength to stay awake to care for our daughter that has problems breathing throughout the night after having a long exhausting day herself.
How she has patience with me after I have worked a 12 hour day and all I can do is come in the house and head to the nearest bed to rest.
How every holiday she makes special for our three daughters by preparing hand picked gift baskets filled with candy, toys, and exciting accessories any other kid would love to have.
How after battling with anxiety and depression she still puts the needs of everyone around her before her very own.
Or how after giving birth to our fourth beautiful daughter Gionna Renee Phillips just 2 weeks ago, she is already up, and active, like she did not just have a serious surgery. Matter a fact, She is even sitting in this very service right now!
She loves hard and LOVE is her superpower.
Love is what keeps her going when she is tired.
Love is what helps her push through when she is ready to give up.
Love is what fuels her to be able to rock a crying baby at 2am or visits to the hospital at all hours of the night.
Love is what drives her to make every soccer practice and every game.
I am very thankful for the love she has for God, her family, and everyone she crosses paths with.
God has blessed this mom that rocks with what seems like an endless amount of love and thats why she is more important to us than any title she bears. She is an amazing sister, a caring daughter, a thoughtful grand daughter, a generous aunt, a loving mother, but more importantly, she is our Super Hero!
Jordin, Jaida, Averi, Gionna, and Jarods LOVE YOU!
Tammy Lauer
I wanted to nominate this mom that rocks for a couple of reasons. Tammy is my step mom but we do not use that label in our family. When I introduce them to people they have never met I introduce them as my parents. My kids and nephews call her Grandma Tammy or Grandma Lauer. She in every way is a mother and Grandma to my childern and myself. Tammy is amazing in every way between taking care of my dad who has MS. She fights for medical treatment, helping him make doctors appointments, taking care of their house, making sure my dad always has what he needs, advocating for him, praying for him, asking for prays for him, keeping us all updated on him and what is going on through our family group text chat, when we have family gatherings she makes sure he has a plate of food before herself, there are so many more things I could list, the list goes on and on. I never have to worry that my dad is being taken care of. Their marriage is has always been strong and Kris and I look up to that and I wanted my kids as they were growing up to see that.
Tammy is also the best Grandma my boys can ask for, they have so many loving memories of Tammy being there for them. Taking them on adventures when they were little, going to their sporting events and cheering them on, going to school events and clapping the loudest for them. She was there for both of them when they were baptized. They drive pretty far each Sunday to be in Church with us and they do it because they want to not because they have to. She is always praying for them when they are going through something. Supporting them in all of their decisions but also not afraid to tell them the truth about things but coming from a place of love. She has always made them fell loved and supported. They love her so much.
When my grandpa Larry was sick and we knew he was going to pass she made sure that Pastor Ben was there to confirm he was saved and to pray with him and for him. She kept us all up to date on his condition, was at the hospital all the time taking care of her mom and making sure Larry had what he needed. She made sure that Larry was taken care until he passed, she supported her mom before and after in that difficult time. She is so selfless and always putting other first.
All of my memories of my teenage years and adult years have Tammy in it. She has been a mother figure to me, she has supported me, loved me, cried for me, cried with me, laughed with me, cheered with me and for me. I have always felt loved and supported by her. She provided something for me that she didn’t have to and that has helped me in so many ways. She will never know the impact she has had on my life, my siblings life, my childern’s life and my dads life. She truly is a mom that rocks. We love her, Thank God for her and cherish her.
Charity Ritter
I want to honor a truly special woman in our family. She has been a faithful wife and mother for many years and has long pursued a deeper relationship with God. This last year has been a difficult one after finding out she had a brain tumor that needed to be removed. I watched as she pressed into her relationship with Jesus, and showed extraordinary courage through surgery and recovery. She has a heart to help people and bring them together. The kids and I admire her, appreciate her, and love her. Praise God for her recovery and for her life and place in our family. She is truly a special person. We love you Charity!
Amanda Jackson
She has always been a key part in my life, she has been there for not only me but my mom. She was one of the first people in the hospital room after I was born and almost 16 years later she’s still here. She always makes sure that I know she loves me and my family. She has been through so much in the past year and a half but she never gives up, and stops what she’s passionate for. She is a great role model to me, my sister and I know she will be for my baby brother. I loved working with her last summer because I feel like that made us closer than we already were. She has never given up on me when I do wrong, she always talks to me and she makes sure that problems don’t escalate and tries to keep peace. She is so patient with me and my sister even when we drive her crazy. She is a wonderful nursery leader and she is great with kids which is a big plus of having her in my life. I can honestly say I don’t know where I’d be without her right now. When my mom had my brother last December she knew that I wasn’t super happy about it so she would always give me positives to it. She and I created a now tradition since my 13th birthday and that is one of my favorite ways to spend my birthday because then I get her all to myself. Mandy will always be in my life my matter what happens I know she will always love me and be there for me which in my opinion makes more of a mom than an aunt. I love you. -Addy B
Ashley Burgess
My mom is someone I have always looked up to, after three kids with the oldest and youngest being 15 years apart she’s still going strong. I know I will always be loved by her and I don’t have to worry about her not being there for me. After she had my now almost 5 month old brother I felt like I never got to spend time with her but she would always still tell me that I wasn’t forgotten about and that I was still loved. I love it when we go places together especially when it’s just us two because then I feel like I’m an only child, even though we still have our moments I know she will always forgive me and love me and I hope she know that’s how I will always be too. – Addy B
Marilyn Perdue
My mom was left alone for long periods of time with four young kids, when she was pretty young herself, but she always took great care of us. Later, she found love again and married a man who took us all on, and added another! She was the neighborhood mom. Even now, almost 50 years later, when we run into one of those grown up kids, they still call her mom and ask after her. Later, as a widow with grown children, she raised two grandsons. We all turned out great! She’s still loved by and involved with grandkids and great grandkids.
Kristy Oyster
what makes my mom so great is just everything she does. my mom has always supported me in everything i’ve done. even though my dads not around my mom has always done her best to raise me and give me everything i wanted. even if we didn’t always have the money my mom still did everything she could to make sure i could have all the toys and gifts i wanted for birthdays and Christmas and so i could play sports. my mom always showed up for everything. every game, banquet, concert, award ceremony, showcase, recital, competition. my mom was always there. she has never disappointed me ever even if she thinks she has she hasn’t. she is always looking out for me and always has my best interest at heart. she has always encouraged me and pushed me to do my best. even if she doesn’t always want to my mom is always there to help out whether it’s helping me with my homework, helping with sports related things, church, her friends, my friends. i’m so thankful for everything that she does for me and the people around her. i love her and she loves me and i couldn’t ask for anything better from her im so grateful to call her my mother.
Jennifer Gill
She is loving and kind and thanks of others over herself. As she has struggled to be a single mother raising 2 Is wonderful children. Her face lights up when she sees the grand children. And they love seeing her. They love spending time with her They always Love spending time her She always goes over and above what is expected of her. Giving up her time And talents. She loves serving in the church doing checking She always greets the Parents with a smile she knows all the kids by name. And Ban involved in our other ministries. Everyone loves to see her Smiling face. There are days when she’s down or feeling not so good. She always greets with a smile laugh. This is one lady. I am proud to call my wife.
Amanda York
She is a hard working mom who doesn’t give up for anything and loves and cares for all of us and we love her to the moon and back.
Emmily Lutton
My mom makes me delicious food but she also makes me clean my room and do homework. When she does this she is trying to care for me but I don’t like it. I also love when we watch movies she is so great and we both love popcorn. Our favorite thing to do together is watch movies and go shopping. My mom Rocks because of all of this.
Carrie Ayers
When I first met this mother, relationships and situations were a little messy and I wasn’t close with her right away, but I watched her from a distance. I had always been told, “don’t worry..one day she’ll come around.” Until that day came, I observed the way she carried herself with confidence and grace. The way she was adored by everyone around her, especially her family and how much joy she brought to a room with her beautiful smile and laughter always having a good time. She was an intelligent, strong, faithful and loving person I wanted to be close to but trusted God’s timing. God eventually worked in each of our lives and brought us closer together over time and I got to see even more first hand what an amazing person this woman is. She is truly a soul sister and one that I have been so blessed and grateful to have in my life. To every single person in her family and even friends, she gives everything she has with her whole heart. She loves and supports her family fiercely and not only to them but every single child she comes face to face with in the schools she has worked at. You can’t count the lives she has blessed, encouraged and made an impact on over the years. She has raised an amazing son, is a step mother, a grandmother but also has been a huge support to her many nieces and nephews as if they were her own as well. She is the first to answer a call and to show up. She will be the last to leave. This mother does not get nearly enough recognition for all that she does to support her immediate family, extended and the children she impacts in her schools. Anyone that gets to know her is richer in life for it. We are all so thankful for all she does and WHO SHE IS more than anything. She has made me a stronger person, lifted me up when I didn’t think I was capable, reminded me who I am in Christ and supported me in some of my darkest days. Her faith has strengthened mine and helped keep my mind anchored in truth when I wanted to run. She is valued, loved and appreciated more than she will ever know by so many! My sister in-law, Carrie Ayers!!
Emma Hodge
While this is not about “my” Mom, it’s about someone who’s been in my life longer than my own mom was. After moving to Columbus, I met my future husband and Mom-in-law and “this” is the woman I’d like to share a few words about. Yes, as astonishing as that might sound, I have wonderful things to say about my MIL, Emma Jean Hodge.
I must first say, that Emma Jean is no longer my MIL and hasn’t been for 19 years! I was married to her son for 18 years and we were blessed with two sons, However, when we decided to part ways, Emma Jean made it clear that I was divorcing her son, not the family!
From the beginning, Emma Jean offered guidance when it was needed, and she’s someone who’s always been there with humor, wisdom, but mostly love and understanding.
She is someone genuiune. If you ask for her opinion, be prepared to hear what she really thinks! She’s always loved us enough to be honest with us, and I’ve always known her to be fare with anyone.
And still, even after all this time, on every birthday and special occasion, I receive to “My daughter-in-law card”! Thank you, Emma Jean Hodge, for everything!!! I love you more than you could ever know. – Cindy Carlton
Emma Hodge
My mom is always there when we need her.
Emma hodge
My mother is always there for me. When i began kindergarten, i wanted to walk by myself, so she agreed. She followed behind, hiding behind cars, making sure i was safe. 6th grade i was running for student council president, and she was my campaign manager. Making my posters, advising me. When i was bad, she gave me the curse every mom gives, i hope you have kids that act just like you. Well, i did. That’s when you learn your mom was 100% right, she 100% loves you, and i 100% love her back, even if i had trouble showing it as a kid.
Courtnie McFaddin
We would like to take a moment to recognize a Mom today, who we are proud to call our daughter in law, and the Mother of our three grandbabies, with a fourth on the way. One baby is not easy, but you managed to pull off having two, at the same time!!! You care for and nurture each one of your children. You have created a safe, loving and fun environment for your family. You have helped to create a home full of traditions and memories. Your love and gift of music is ever present within each of your children! And most importantly, your sharing of your love for The Lord is evident as we hear the intricate ways each of the kids talk about and love Jesus. Courtnie McFaddin, Happy Mother’s Day! Love, your Out-Laws, 😉 Ted and Julie
Courtnie McFaddin
I am so lucky to witness daily the love you show our children. You are truly special to everyone around you, but the way all 3 of our kids look at you is beyond words. You are adored by them and by me, and for good reason! You are a solid rock for our family and for everyone who knows you. Today we honor you and thank you for your daily sacrifice to build these precious babies of ours up! Can’t wait to watch you do it all again in September
Beth Bentley
Growing up I never really realized the amount of stuff you had done for my brother & I. My dad past at a very young age and I watched you step up and play both parents for our entire life. You worked hard to make sure we never wanted for anything! You showed us unconditional love and was always on our side! Nominating you as a mom who rocks doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface on the Recognition that you deserve! I’m so lucky to call you mom & my kids are beyond blessed to call you grandma! We love you!
Brianna McNamara
My mom is beyond great, she has been there for me my whole life and I appreciate that. She always hears me out for what I have to say. I love her with to the moon and back
Connie Selbert
My mother in law. Thank you for always treating me and loving me like one of your own. Not everyone is lucky enough to have an “in law” that makes them feel loved the way you (and Bob) have always made me feel! I am grateful everyday!
JoAnne Hall
My mom is a very kindhearted and beautiful woman. She is one of the most hardworking people I know and always does her best for me and the family. She has taught me so many things from learning how to trust, to how to be a good person. She has done so many things in my life that I will forever be grateful for and she’s seriously the best. She’s the best mom ever! (Sorry not sorry)
Julie McFaddin
To my mom. I appreciate you more and more with each day that passes. As my kids are growing older I realize over and over the sacrifices you made for us and the love you had for us. Your love has always been a constant that I could depend on. I am so grateful to have a mother like you and for my kids to experience that same love you showed us!
Kayla Wertz
To the greatest Mom, My mom has been the greatest mom to me and my siblings ever since she gave birth to us. She has been there for every single One of us through the hard times and the easy times. My mother is one of my favorite people in the entire world and I could never ask for a better mom than my mom. My mom has always did everything she could for me and my siblings to make sure we was all provided for before thinking about her self. I thank my mom for everything she has done for me for the past 14 years of my life. My mom will continue to be my favorite mom ever and will always be the best mom I could ever ask for. I love you mom.
Melody Young
Well this mom isn’t my biological mother but the way she encourages me you would think that she is. This mom rocks because she taught me so much about how to connect with the lord and maintain the connection with him. She is the most loving and kind person you’ll ever meet and her energy is unmatched. I just want to thank her for everything she has for me and I thank her for the things she has done; and also the things she has done and I have no idea it was it was her. if I wrote it down all the things she has done for me it would be a five page letter. I just really appreciate that I have a mom like her in my life, I love you.
Shyla Riker
My mom has been there for us no matter how difficult we get. She has been through so much and deserves much more than what we can give her. She is hilarious and her laugh can brighten up a room. Even through her multiple surgeries and even though her body can be hard on her, she still does all of these things and more. She works hard homeschooling us and does her best in everything she does. She is beautiful and sometimes I look at her and marvel over about how God gave me such a wonderful mother. No matter what any of us do she will always love us and I couldn’t ask for more.
Tonya Smiley
Im nominating my mom because she chose to adopt me and gave me a great life and she is very kind and caring and what I love about her is she is very amazing. My mom is the bestest mom ever and im glad to have her as a mom and she is the greatest role model in my life. What I love about my mom is she is also very supportive in my choices.
Angela Hatzipavlis
We are giving recognition to our wonderful mom Angela Hatzipavlis for giving life to us and sticking with us through hard times as well as feeds us and clothing us, she also pervades us with advise for later in our lives, and does fun things with us and gets us to our advents that we like to do, she enjoys seeing us be happy, and loves us for who we are, and lest us have our dog even though he shreds up every thing.
Stephanie Gribben
She became a mother at an early age. She was a single mother struggling to raise two children but she never gave up she taught her children right from wrong and showed them how to have a good heart. When her dad passed away she took on the role of helping her mother. I am so proud of her.
Aabra Stottlemire
Aabra is strong in her Christian faith, always puts her family before herself. She’s selfless, loving, nurturing and the hardest working mother I’ve met in my life. Her dedication to her family and the families she cares for is highly spoken of and never goes unnoticed by myself or any of those around her. She’s made a tremendous impact on anyone’s life who’s came
to know her in any capacity. I thank god for her everyday and hope she gets the praise she so much deserves.
Hannah Clark
But seriously my wife has been my rock for 24 years through thick and then taking care of our disabled son dealing with my stubborn self. This might be a surprise but im not the easiest person to live with.😲 Hannah is my world she helped me find my way to God as we talk about church throughout the week. She definitely deserves to be mentioned.
Thank you.
Amanda Bigelow
My daughter Amanda is an amazing strong woman and mother. She has a great relationship with her daughter. She is currently in school to be a nurse to give her daughter a better life. She constantly makes sacrifices to be the mom she wants to be. She still finds time to volunteer in the nursery and various other postions as time allow including the music for VBS. I see her at night reading Bible stories and praying with Alayna. I am so proud of her raising her daughter right. She is a great mom.
Joyce Harris
My Mom Joyce Harris rocks because she is an amazing prayer warrior. Every morning she has a prayer list 5 pages long that she prays over. It seemed like she has a direct line that is always answered. No one prays for you like your praying mother and she has a direct line to the throne.
It amazes me at times how quickly God answers her prayers. We were out cutting bushes one day and it was really hot, she just said, “Lord would you send me a breeze”, and it was almost instantly, a breeze started blowing. I know some of you here will say that was only coincidence, but I know and she knew it was answered prayer because it happens time and time again.
She doesn’t just pray about the big things, she prays about the little things also. She asks God to hold off the rain while she goes to church and back. She is always bragging on the Lord about how He answers her prayers. The rain will stop long enough for her to get inside the church and stops again when she comes out to go home.
She has asked many times why the Lord keeps her around here at 90, why won’t He just take her home. I have told her time and time again, we need her here to pray. After her great granddaughter Caraline was the diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome, she now knows why He keeps her around. She is praying for a miracle that God will heal our sweet little girl. She prays fervently about it each day and I believe God will answer that pray for her also.
Any Mom that goes to the throne in prayer for her family and friends, rocks in my eyes. By my Mom has a hotline straight to the throne of God that He hears and answers. Now that’s a Mom that Rocks!
Megan Alt
There are things a mother can do that others can’t. A kind word or gentle embrace at the right time, making a boo boo feel better, and coordinating kid’s schedules, wardrobes, and bath times all are included. We also can’t forget about quizzing her kids about their spelling test words right before bedtime either. These are just a few of the things that make this mom rock. While working in and out of the house she does many things that get taken for granted and doesn’t hear the words “thank you” enough. We want to make sure this mom knows we all appreciate everything she does for our family! Happy Mother’s Day!
Sam Schooley
Sam is the kind of person who lights up the room with her presence. She’s compassionate, empathetic, and always puts others before herself. As a mom, she’s a true superhero. She juggles a million things at once, yet somehow manages to make it all look effortless.
Her love for her daughter knows no bounds. She’s patient, nurturing, and guides her with wisdom and grace. Whether it’s staying up late to comfort her crying baby or cheering her child on with everything she does, she’s always there, giving her all.
But it’s not just her role as a mom that makes her incredible. She’s also an amazing friend. She listens without judgment, offers unwavering support, and celebrates your successes as if they were her own. Her friendship is a treasure, one that enriches your life in countless ways.
In a world where kindness can sometimes feel rare, Sam shines brightly as a beacon of goodness. She deserves all the happiness and love in the world, because she’s truly one of a kind.
Lisa Kirts
To whom I’m very proud and love very much. On the 23rd of April I had to go into the hospital for surgery to have a pace maker. She took me there to get it done and she stayed there with me. She has been very helpful by doing things for me and I’m grateful to have her in my life. I couldn’t ask for any better. She bought me special shirts because I couldn’t raise my hands over my head after surgery. She has a heart as big as the earth. Love mom, Norma
Paulita Bushee
I’m writing a little note about my beautiful young bride, Paulita. Together, we’ve had our ups and downs and all arounds. God has blessed me through it all with her being with me. She’s been a step-mom, a mom, a mom of an adopted child, and now a grand-mom. She works full-time delivering the mail, the magazines and the junk. She’s an excellent cook and baker. But what I’m really appreciative of is that God gave her to me. I love her so much. – Chuck
Erin Dean
Erin Dean isn’t just a name, its my mom’s name. Its brave. Tough. Strong. It means nothing will get in your way unless they are ready to get beat up. I love my mom. Erin ha been a hard working mom for 13 years and has proven herself to be unstoppable. Ever since she was young, she always had good grades and was very rule abiding. When she was 25, she brought me into this world. She juggles between raising me and Darien as a single mother and her job, where she works as a general manager at Flyers. It took her 20 years of hard work to earn that title, and she definitely plans on keeping it. My mom was invited by Angie Ulrey to come to this church at a time of struggle. It wasn’t until I told her I wanted to continue to come here that we stayed, and she truly found God. If it wasn’t for my mom’s ability to power through life and continue no matter how hard life got, I don’t think I would’ve ever started my relationship with God and the relationship I have with her now. She showed me that scars should never hold you down. They tell the world that you went through the worst of the world’s gutters, and climbed out stronger than ever before. Now in my opinion, that’s a mom who rocks. Sincerly, Evelyn Nixon (P.S. she actually rocks out to music with me in the car)